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Data privacy statement

Protecting your personal data is of prime importance to us. This section describes how Hairdreams Haarhandels GmbH, Floraquellweg 9, 8051 Graz, Austria (“we”) process your personal date as part of the customer relationship.


1. Purposes of data processing

We will process your personal data stated in point 2 for the following purposes:

  • Business initiation regarding our supply and service offer;
  • Carrying out sales processes and providing services;
  • Operating a webshop, insofar as you use it;
  • Managing our customer relations, including handling contacts and communication.

We collect this data directly from you as part of sales processes or the operation of our webshop and salon finder, or through our employees and trade representatives who are in contact with you.

The provision of your personal data is voluntary. However, certain sales or communication processes are no longer possible if you do not provide your personal data.

2. Processed data categories and legal bases of processing

We process your personal data stated in annex 1, including cookies (see point 3) either (i) on the basis of our overriding legitimate interest as defined by Art. 6 par. 1 lit. f General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), which consists of the efficient management of our customer relations, or (ii) on the basis of the necessity to fulfil a contract with you (Art. 6 par. 1 lit. b GDPR).

In some cases, we will process the aforementioned data with your consent (Art. 6 par. 1 lit. a), if you grant us this in a separate process.

3. Cookies

So-called cookies are used on this website. A cookie is a small file that can be stored on your computer when you visit a website. In principle, cookies are used to offer users additional functions on a website. They can be used, for example, to facilitate navigation on a website, to allow you to continue to use a website where you left off and/or to store your preferences and settings when you visit the website again. Cookies cannot access, read or modify any other data on your computer. Most of the cookies on this website are so-called session cookies. They are erased automatically when you leave our website again. Permanent cookies, on the other hand, remain on your device until you delete them manually in your browser. We use such permanent cookies to identify you again next time you visit our website. If you would like to control cookies on your device, you can select your browser settings so that you receive a notification when a website wants to deposit cookies. You can also block or delete cookies if they have already been deposited on your device. If you would like to find out more about how to take these steps, please use the “help” function on your browser. Please note that blocking or deleting cookies may compromise your online experience and may prevent you from using this website in full.

4. Webshop

For the purpose of contract fulfilment, we store the following data: title, first and last name, address, e-mail address and optionally entered data of the user (company name, address details, telephone number). The data you provide is necessary for contract fulfilment or for carrying out precontractual measures. Without this data, we cannot conclude the contract with you. There is no passing on of data to third parties, with the exception of the handling bank institutes/payment service providers for the purpose of charging the purchase price, as well as transport companies/shipping companies we have appointed to deliver the goods and also our tax advisers for compliance with our tax obligations. After breaking off the purchase procedure, the data we have stored is erased. In case of a contract conclusion, all data pertaining to the contract relationship is stored until the expiry of the statutory tax retention period (7 years).

Name, address, purchased products and purchase date data is also stored until the expiry of product liability (10 years). The data processing is on the basis of the legal provisons of § 96 par. 3 TKG as well as Art. 6 par. 1 lit 1 (consent) and/or lit b (necessary for contract fulfilment) of the GDPR. This consent may only be granted by users older than 13 years. If you are younger, please ask your guardian for advice.

5. Registration and user accounts

Users of our webshop can optionally set up a user account. As part of the registration, we inform the users of the required details (obligatory fields and optional details). The data entered as part of the registration is used for the purpose of using our offer. The notification to users regarding information about offers or registration, for example changes to the scope of services or technical updates, may be via e-mail. If users cancel their user account, their data is erased from this account; an exception is data whose retention is necessary for commercial or tax law reasons, in accordance with Art. 6 par. 1 lit. c GDPR. Any securing of data upon termination before the contract expiry is the responsibility of the users. We are entitled to irrevocably erase all user data stored during the contract period. Both on the basis of our legitimate interests and on the bases of user interests in protection against misuse and other unauthorised use, we store your IP address and the time of the respective transaction by the user when a user uses our registration and login function in connection with their user account. The IP addresses are anonymised or erased at the latest after 7 days. In principle, we do not pass the data on to third parties; an exception are situations in which we must comply with our duties or must meet a legal obligation as defined by Art. 6 par. 1 lit. c GDPR.

6. Newsletter

If you subscribe to the newsletter on this website, you state your e-mail address and declare your consent to receive the newsletter. This declaration of consent is sent by e-mail after you have registered for the newsletter. In this e-mail you will find a confirmation link to check whether it is the correct recipient. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time and with immediate effect. If you cancel the newsletter, we then erase your data you have stated for the newsletter subscription.

7. Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (hereinafter “Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, text files that are deposited on your device and allow an analysis of your use of the website. We process your data on the basis of our overriding legitimate interest in creating easy-to-use website access statistics. The information generated by the cookie about your use of our website (including your IP address and the URLs of the accessed websites) is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. We do not store any of your data collected in connection with Google Analytics. This website makes use of the Google Analytics option of IP anonymisation. Your IP address is therefore abbreviated/anonymised by Google as soon as Google receives your IP address. On our behalf, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports about website activities and to provide us with further services associated with website and Internet use. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics is not merged with other data by Google. You can prevent the storing of cookies through appropriate settings of your browser software. However, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use the full extent of all the functions of this website. In addition, you can prevent Google collecting your data in connection with Google Analytics by downloading and installing the browser plugin available under the following link:
You can also prevent the collection of your data by Google Analytics by clicking on the link below. An opt-out cookie is deposited that prevents the future collection of your data when visiting this website: Disable data collection by Google Analytics for this website. Further information about the usage conditions of Google and Google’s data privacy statement are available at or at

8. Google Maps

For the presentation of interactive maps, this website uses “Google Maps” of the company Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website, including your IP address, is transmmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. We do not store any of your data that is collected in connection with Google Maps. You cna prevent the data transfer if you deactivate the Google Maps services, which means deactivating the Java Script function in your browser. However, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use the full extent of functions of this website. Further information about the Google and Google Maps terms of use can be found under

9. Google Fonts

This website uses Google Fonts, which are external fonts, from the company Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. By calling up a server that is located in the USA as a rule, Google Fonts is incorporated. Your IP address is sent to this server, as well as which webpages of ours you have visited. You can find further information about the Google and Google Fonts terms of use at

9. Google reCAPTCHA

This website uses the “reCAPTCHA” function for identifying bots, referring e.g. to entries on various online forms. The provider is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.
It records the behaviour of users, e.g. mouse movements, which enquiries are made etc. in order to distinguish people from bots or other spam software. Personal data including the IP address of the user are sent to the reCAPTCHA service. The IP address is not combined with other Google data in principle, only if you are logged into your Google account while using reCAPTCHA. You can prevent data about you and your behaviour being transmitted to Google by completely logging out of Google and deleting all Google cookies before visiting this website or using the reCAPTCHA software. Further information about the terms of use for Google and reCAPTCHA can be found at

11. Hotjar

We use Hotjar to understand the needs of our users better and to optimise our service and the user experience. Hotjar is a technological service that helps us to gain a better understanding of the experiences of our users (e.g. how much time they spend on which pages, which links they click on, what users do and don’t like etc.) and that enables us to develop and maintain our service with user feedback. Hotjar uses cookies and other technologies to collect data about the behaviour of our users and their devices (especially the IP address of the device, which is only recorded and stored in an anonymised form), the screen size of the device, the type of device, browser information, geographical location (only the country), the preferred language in which our website is displayed). Hotjar stores this information in a pseudonymised user profile. Neither Hotjar nor we will ever use this information to identify individual users or compare it with other data about an individual user. You can find further details in Hotjar’s data privacy statement by clicking on this Link.
You can decline the creation of a user profile, the storage of data about your use of our website through Hotjar and the use of tracking cookies by Hotjar on other websites by following this opt-out Link.

12. Online presences on social media

We operate online presences within social networks and platforms to be able to communicate with users, interested parties and customers who are active there. When accessing these networks and platforms, the terms and conditions and the data processing guidelines of the respective operators apply. Unless stated otherwise in our data privacy statement, we process the data of users if they communicate with us on social networks and platforms.

13. Use of Facebook social plugins

Our aim in line with the GDPR (legitimate interest) is to improve our offer, as well as the analysis, optimisation and economical operation of our web presence. We therefroe use social plugins of the social network, operated by Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland (“Facebook”). The plugins can represent content such as graphics, text entries, videos or interactive elements on the website. You can recognise them by one of the Facebook logos (“f”) on a corresponding background, the “thumbs up” sign or the term “like”), or a reference to “Facebook social plugin”. The list and the appearance of the Facebook social plugins can be viewed here:

Further information regarding data collection through Facebook, the further processing and use of the data, as well as user rights and setting options for the protection of privacy can be found on the data privacy directives of Facebook:

14. Twitter

We have integrated functions of the social media platform Twitter into our website. These functions are provided by Twitter International Company, One Cumberland Place, Fenian Street, Dublin 2, D02 AX07, Ireland. Twitter can deposit cookies on your computer – further details can be found in the Twitter data privacy statement at: You have the option of configuring your data privacy settings at Twitter in the account settings on

15. Instagram

Content and functions of the Instagram service may be integrated within our online offer. They are provided by Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA. This may include e.g. content such as images, videos, texts and interfaces with which users can react to content. If the users are members of Instagram, Instagram can attribute the access to the content and function to the respective user profiles. Data privacy statement of Instagram:

16. Pinterest

Content and functions of the Pinterest service may be integrated within our online offer. They are provided by Pinterest Inc., 635 High Street, Palo Alto, CA, 94301, USA. This can include e.g. content such as images, videos, tests and interfaces with which users can react to content. If the users are members of Pinterest, Pinterest can attribute the access to the content and functions to the respective user profiles. Data privacy statement of Pinterest:

17. Xing

Content and functions of the Xing service may be integrated within our online offer. They are provided by XING AG, Dammtorstraße 29-32, 20354 Hamburg, Germany. This can include e.g. content such as images, videos, tests and interfaces with which users can react to content. If the users are members of Xing, Xing can attribute the access to the content and functions to the respective user profiles. Data privacy statement of Xing:

18. Linkedin

Content and functions of the LinkedIn service may be integrated within our online offer. They are provided by LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland. This can include e.g. content such as images, videos, tests and interfaces with which users can react to content. If the users are members of LinkedIn, LinkedIn can attribute the access to the content and functions to the respective user profiles. Data privacy statement of LinkedIn:

19. Vimeo

Videos from the “Vimeo” platform can also be integrated in our website. They are provided by Vimeo Inc., Attention: Legal Department, 555 West 18th Street New York, New York 10011, USA. Data privacy statement:

20. YouTube

Videos from the “YouTube” platform may also be integrated in our website. They are provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Data privacy statement:, Opt-Out:

21. Transmission of personal data

We shall transmit your personal data to the following recipients for the aforementioned purposes:

  • IT service providers appointed by us;
  • associated companies;
  • banks for carrying out payment transactions;
  • legal representatives in business cases;
  • accounting services for auditing purposes;
  • courts;
  • responsible administrative authorities, esp. tax offices;
  • debt collection companies;
  • external financing such as leasing or factoring companies and assignees, insofar as the delivery or services is externally financed in this manner;
  • contract or business partners contributing or intended to contribute to the delivery or service;
  • insurance companies for the conclusion of an insurance contract for the delivery/service or in the event of an insurance case;
  • Federal Office “Statistik Österreich” (Austrian Statistics) for compiling the legally mandatory (official) statistics.
  • Bitrix, Inc. US Headquarters, 901 N. Pitt St, Suite 325, Alexandria VA 22314 USA

Some of the aforementioned recipients are located outside of your country or process your personal data there. The data protection level in other countries may not correspond to that in your country. However, we only transmit your personal data to countries for which the EU Commission has determine they have a suitable data protection level, or we take measures to ensure that all recipients have a suitable data protection level. For example, we conclude standard contract clauses (2010/87/EC and/or 2004/915/EC) for this. These are available on request at

23. Retention period

We only retain your personal data for as long as this is reasonably necessary for us in order to fulfil the purposes stated under point 1 and as admissible by applicable law. We store your personal data in any case as long as the business relationship is ongoing, or else there are legal retention duties or the statute of limitations on potential legal claims has not yet expired.

23. Your rights in connection with personal data

According to current applicable law, you are entitled (under the conditions of the applicable law) (i) to check whether and which personal data about you we have stored and to receive copies of this data, (ii) to request the rectification, completion or erasure of your personal data that is incorrect or not processed in conformity with the law, (iii) to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data, (iv) under certain circumstances to object to the processing of your personal data or to withdraw a previous consent to processing, (v) to request data portability, (vi) to know the identity of third parties to whom your personal data is transmitted and (vii) to file a complaint at the responsible authority.

24. Our contact details

If you have any questions or concerns about the processing of your personal data, please contact us: 

Hairdreams Haarhandels GmbH
Floraquellweg 9
8051 Graz, Austria

Last updated on 1.11.2021

Annex 1 – categories of personal data

• Order number
• Name/form of address
• Title/gender
• Address
• Telephone and fax number and other necessary addressing information for modern communication means (e.g. e-mail)
• Date of birth
• Company register details
• Creditworthiness data
• Blocking references (e.g. contact block, invoice block, delivery block, booking block, payment block)
• Attribution to a particular customer and supplier category
• Figures for purposes of official statistics such as UID number and Intrastat reference number
• Membership of a particular purchasing association, group
• Correspondence languages, other agreements and key to data exchange
• Object of delivery or service
• Bonus and commission data and such like
• Contact person at data subject for carrying out the delivery or service
• Third parties involved in service performance including information about the type of involvement
• Delivery and service terms (including details of the place of performance or service, packaging etc.)
• Customs data (e.g. country of origin, customs tariff number) and export control
• Data for insurance of the delivery or service and its financing
• Data for tax obligations and tax calculation
• Financing and payment terms
• Bank details
• Credit card numbers and companies
• Data for credit management (e.g. credit limit, exchange limit)
• Data about the payment or performance behaviour of the data subject
• Reminder/complaint data
• Account and invoicing data
• Service-specific expenses and profits
• General ledger procedures (e.g. deposit, bank guarantee)
• Associated customer, supplier or third party
• Additional data for addressing customers, suppliers or third parties
• Correspondence languages, other agreements and keys to data exchange
• Function of the data subject at the service receipient or provider
• Scope of the power of agency
• Prohibition of transmission of data to address
• Professional, trade and business reference
• Marital status
• Enquiry interests (based on previous enquiry behaviour or customer’s own informing of the controller)
• Purchase power classificationaufkraftklassifizierung
• Support data (such as: advertising material sent, visiting interval etc.)
• Purchase behaviour (frequency and volume)
• Other response behaviour to advertising activities of the controller
• Bonus and other advantage data relating to the customer or interested party
• Function or remit of the customer or interested party
• Date administration data
• IP address, cookies, information about the browser you use, the webpages you access, the website you accessed before visiting our website
• Date and time of salon finder enquiry
• Country from which a salon finder enquiry is placed


MicroLines Reattachment 👉🏻 Here’s what it looks like! ✨ 

Our MicroLines are permanently attached and are adjusted every few weeks, re-secured at the roots. @hairbyjacdouglas from @hairdreams_aus shows how it’s done. 

Want to know more? Just send us a message or visit one of our many Hairdreams partner salons worldwide! 🌍 You can find a salon near you in the salon finder (link in bio).

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Gorgeous hair for a gorgeous woman! ✨ 

Congratulations to the newly crowned @missuniversenetherlands @faith_landman, rocking her stunning Hairdreams mane! 

For luxurious extensions and volume made from the finest quality real hair, visit one of our exclusive partner salons around the world. 🌍 Find a salon near you through the link in our bio!

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How beautiful our dear @paigecantone looks! 🤩

This hair extension was created with 150 bonding extensions in a length of 50 cm by our partner salon @hairbyjacdouglas from Australia. ✨

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Natural-looking hair thickening done with the Laserbeamer NANO by our partner salon @foryou.bourgoin. 🇫🇷 

Are you a hairdresser and want to work with the Hairdreams products? Contact us via DM – we are looking forward to get in contact with you. 🤩

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The Barbie trend is here to stay! 🎀 
Luckily, there are our bonding extensions to quickly achieve a long dream mane. 🤩 

You want that too? Just book a non-binding consultation appointment in one of our partner salons. A salon near you can be easily find via our salon finder (link in the bio). 

📸 @hairdreamsusa

#hairsalon #hairsalonowner #maneaddict #manechick #hairshop #ittakesapro #dubaihairsalon #salonbusiness #besthairstylist #hairshop #citiesbesthairartists #hairdreams #hairdreamsofficial #feelthedifference #hairdreamsextensions #hairextensions #hairextensionspecialist #extensions #realhumanhairextensions #hairtransformation #hairmakeover #hairlove #hairinspo #hairinspiration

One reason Hairdreams extensions are so invisible is because of the seamless color transitions. 🌟 Our partner salons offer a wide range of balayage-style hair colors, which is why the extensions and thickening treatments look as natural as this one. 

You can find a Hairdreams salon near you using our salon finder (link in the bio)! 

📸 Big thanks to @aziza_lingemann for the amazing work! 💪

#hairsalon #hairsalonowner #maneaddict #manechick #hairshop #ittakesapro #dubaihairsalon #salonbusiness #besthairstylist #hairshop #citiesbesthairartists #hairdreams #hairdreamsofficial #feelthedifference #hairdreamsextensions #hairextensions #hairextensionspecialist #extensions #realhumanhairextensions #hairtransformation #hairmakeover #hairlove #hairinspo #hairinspiration
➤ Made from healthy, untreated real human hair – never dyed or bleached 💯 
➤ Crafted in our own factory, with the highest quality standards 🏆 
➤ Available in a wide range of colors and hair textures 

Find a Hairdreams partner salon near you using our Salonfinder (link in bio)! 🌍 Our salons are located worldwide and are specially trained in hair extensions and thickening. 

📸 @hairdreamsusa

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With just 1️⃣ button, in only 3️⃣5️⃣ seconds, you could attach 5️⃣ real hair strands at once. 😍 

Back then, our Laserbeamer NANO was known as the Laserbeamer XP and was significantly larger. 🤓 

📸 Thanks to @mariloruspeluqueria for this wonderful transformation

#hairsalon #hairsalonowner #maneaddict #manechick #hairshop #ittakesapro #dubaihairsalon #salonbusiness #besthairstylist #hairshop #citiesbesthairartists #hairdreams #hairdreamsofficial #feelthedifference #hairdreamsextensions #hairextensions #hairextensionspecialist #extensions #realhumanhairextensions #hairtransformation #hairmakeover #hairlove #hairinspo #hairinspiration
So much for "You can't style curly hair..." 😏

📸 Thanks to @hairdreamsnl and @yentl_ft 🙏

#hairdreams #hairdreamsofficial #feelthedifference #hairdreamsextensions #hairextensions #hairextensionspecialist #extensions #realhumanhairextensions #hairlove #hairinspo #hairinspiration #hairstyles #curlyhairstyles
🗣️ @hairbyjacdouglas from Australia takes us behind her chair to talk about hair loss!
„Some of my clients have spent thousands of dollars on hair loss medications, vitamins, tonics and hair products. 💊 However what happens when none of these things work?
There is a solution to cover those thinning areas and that is by wearing a topper. ✨ What is so special about Microlines is that this is a system you never have to remove. You wear it permanently. It requires monthly maintenance appointments and you can wear any hairstyle or hair colour you wish.
To be able to offer this as a service for me, is just pure magic!“ 🪄
#hairdreams #hairdreamsofficial #feelthedifference #hairdreamsmicrolines #microlines #hairthickening #realhumanhair #hairloss #hairlossolutions #hairtransformation #hairmakeover #hairlove #hairinspo #hairinspiration #hairsalon #hairsalonowner #maneaddict #manechick #hairshop #ittakesapro #dubaihairsalon #salonbusiness #besthairstylist #hairshop #citiesbesthairartists
Curls that stay — even after swimming or showering? 😯 With our #iNSPOS, it's possible! 🥰

How? Our hair has a special seal that locks in the style, ensuring your curls hold their shape for an ultra-long time, even after getting wet. 💪

You can find Hairdreams #iNSPOS at our numerous partner salons! 🔎 Just use our Salon Finder to locate one near you.

#hairdreams #hairdreamsofficial #feelthedifference #hairdreamsextensions #hairextensions #hairextensionspecialist #extensions #hairsalon #hairsalonowner #maneaddict #manechick #hairshop #ittakesapro #dubaihairsalon #salonbusiness #besthairstylist #hairshop #citiesbesthairartists
There are really amazing tape-in extensions out there! ✨ For example our Qukkies Secrets:
➤ „Quikkies“: Super quick to apply. ⏱️
➤ „Secrets“: So invisible, they’ll remain your little secret. 😉
100% finest human hair, available in all shades! 🌈
Find them in our exclusive partner salons worldwide. 🌍 Discover a salon near you using our Salonfinder (link in bio).
#hairdreams #hairdreamsofficial #feelthedifference #hairdreamsextensions #hairextensions #hairextensionspecialist #extensions #realhumanhairextensions #hairtransformation #hairmakeover #hairlove #hairinspo #hairinspiration
Hair thickening with our tape extensions from the Czech Republic ❤️ 

Do you have any questions about our extensions? What have you always wanted to know? 🤔 Let us know in the comments. 🥰 

📸 @hairdreamscz 

#hairsalon #hairsalonowner #maneaddict #manechick #hairshop #ittakesapro #dubaihairsalon #salonbusiness #besthairstylist #hairshop #citiesbesthairartists #hairdreams #hairdreamsofficial #feelthedifference #hairdreamsextensions #hairthickening #hairextensionspecialist #extensions #realhumanhairextensions #hairtransformation #hairmakeover #hairlove #hairinspo #hairinspiration
Did you know? Your Hairdreams mane needs a special hair care treatment. 💡 

👉 Just use our specially formulated care products for real human hair extensions like the beautiful @mijntje_koopman and enjoy your healthy and shiny hair! 💖

#hairsalon #hairsalonowner #maneaddict #manechick #hairshop #ittakesapro #dubaihairsalon #salonbusiness #besthairstylist #hairshop #citiesbesthairartists #hairdreams #hairdreamsofficial #feelthedifference #hairdreamsextensions #hairextensions #hairextensionspecialist #extensions #realhumanhairextensions #hairtransformation #hairmakeover #hairlove #hairinspo #hairinspiration
Our real human hair wefts, the „DreamWefts“, are available in the hair colour of your choice! 👩‍🦰 We are also happy to create the most unusual hair colours for you in our own manufactory. 😊 

Would you also like a hair extension or hair thickening with wefts? Then make an appointment at one of our partner salons. You can find a Hairdreams salon near you in the salon finder (link in the bio). 📲 

📸 @hairdreamscenter_graz 

#hairsalon #hairsalonowner #maneaddict #manechick #hairshop #ittakesapro #dubaihairsalon #salonbusiness #besthairstylist #hairshop #citiesbesthairartists #dreamwefts #hairdreamswefts #weftextensions #wefts #dreamweftspro #hairdreams #hairdreamsofficial #feelthedifference #hairdreamsextensions #hairextensions

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